CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR Arizona Tennis Association

Junior Tennis Lessons — Ages 7 8 9 Monday Shea Middle School — 2/3/2025

Starts 4:30 PM Ends 5:15 PM

Contact Host (Gail Breece)

Online Enrollment

Enrollment is closed.

Enrollment is closed.


Orange Ball Tennis Class, 4:30-5:15 pm, Monday, Ages 7,8,9 Beginners, at SHEA MIDDLE SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS

12 week session, begins Feb 3, ends May 5, NO Classes Feb 17, March 10

Emphasis on hand-eye coordination drills and tennis stroke technique. Footwork and Serving will be introduced.
Sportsmanship oriented games will be introduced along with rules of the game

Each student will need OWN tennis racquet.

Host Comments

Bring a water bottle, each student will need their own tennis racquet. IF you have purchased a tennis racquet from the ATA, your instructor will bring it on the first class day

Location Information

Shea Middle School
2728 E. Shea Blvd
Phoenix , Arizona 85028