Junior Tennis Lessons — 12:15 Hamilton Adv Beginners — 3/1/2025
9 week session: 3/1 - 5/10, No classes Spring Break March 15,22
Online Enrollment
You must be registered on this web site, and logged in using your username and password in order to enroll in this event.
Advanced Beginner level tennis clinic for kids, for those students that have successfully completed the Ages 10 & Up Beginners class, and passed a Tennis Skills Assessment. Players will work on tennis stroke production, and tennis drills, developing consistency and accuracy. Fun tennis games will be offered when time permits.
Sorry, due to limited class size, and strict class ratios, NO MAKE UP classes will be offered IF your student missed a schedule A.T.A. tennis class
STUDENTS Need OWN tennis racquet, wear comfortable clothing, for an athletic event, students should bring their own hand sanitizer, and water bottle.
Advanced Beginners, $270.
9 week session: 3/1 - 5/10, No classes Spring Break March 15,22
E-mail atatennis@arizonatennis.org
Each student will need their own racquet, Please seek out "proper" TENNIS SHOES, NOT sandals, NOT running shoes, TENNIS SHOES are heavier in the heel, for lateral movement, and stability on the court... Running shoes are designed to only go forward, and are NOT good choice for tennis students learning how to play tennis. SUNSCREEN and a HAT and a BOTTLE of water are essential this upcoming session.
Host Comments
Student must complete Ages 10 & Up class to enroll for Advanced Beginners level. Each student will need their own racquet, Please seek out "proper" TENNIS SHOES are heavier in the heel, for lateral movement, and stability on the court... Running shoes are designed to only go forward, and are NOT good choice for tennis students learning how to play tennis. SUNSCREEN and a HAT and a BOTTLE of water are essential this upcoming session.Location Information
Chandler , Arizona 85248